
Statement on Abuse

  • Abuse can be defined as any act, or failure to act, resulting in imminent risk, serious injury, death, physical or emotional or sexual harm, or exploitation of another person.
  • We condemn all forms of abuse: physical, sexual, emotional, and/or verbal abuse.
  • We believe that the biblical teaching on relationships between men and women does not support, but condemns abuse (Prov. 12:18Eph. 5:25-29Col. 3:181 Tim. 3:3Titus 1:7-81 Pet. 3:7).
  • Abuse is destructive and evil. Abuse is a hallmark of the devil and is in direct opposition to the purposes of God. Abuse must not to be tolerated in the Christian community.
  • We believe that the local church and Christian ministries have a responsibility to establish safe environments; to execute policies and practices that protect against any form of abuse; to confront abusers and to protect the abused and counsel abused persons to remove themselves from abusive situations. 
  • We believe that church and ministry leaders have a special obligation to assist in reporting abuse to civil authorities, when required.
  • We believe that the church must offer tender concern and care for the abused and must help the abused to find hope and healing through the gospel. The church should do all it can to provide ongoing counseling and support for the abused. The wounds of abuse run deep and so patience and mercy are needed over the long-haul as the church cares for the abused.
  • We believe abusers need to confess their crimes both to civil and church authorities, to repent of their sin, and to trust in Jesus Christ alone for salvation and forgiveness from their sin.
  • Abusers must commit to a program of change supervised by a trained professional.
  • The church should not protect abusers or repentant abusers from the legal consequences of their actions. 
  • We believe that by the power of God’s Spirit, the Christian church can be an instrument of God’s love and healing for those involved in abusive relationships and an example of wholeness in a fractured, broken world.

The reporting of any abuse or suspected abuse of children (under 18’s) is mandated by law. Please see our Child Protection Policy for more info.

  • Stop Gender Violence helpline: 0800-150-150
  • (National toll-free helpline for survivors, witnesses and perpetrators of gender-based violence.) 

Child Protection Policy

  1. Our aim is to provide SAFE and SECURE space for children and volunteers working with children.
  2. All volunteers undergo BACKGROUND CHECKS and are regularly reminded of our CODE OF ETHICS and CPP training.
  3. We have stringent GUIDELINES and PROCEDURES aimed at protecting children and volunteers.
  4. Any suspected child abuse MUST BE REPORTED:

Everyone in South Africa is a mandated reporter by law. Any person with reasonable cause to believe a child is being abused or neglected must, under the law, immediately report it to the Department of Social Development, or a Social Worker from a Child protection organization, or to the local South African Police Services.  Christ Church Tygerberg will assist in filing the report. Please inform our Member Responsible for Child Protection  of any irregularities.

  • Please READ our Child Protection Document.

Reporting Procedures

Any person who on reasonable grounds believes that a child is in need of care and protection must report that belief as follows:

  • Christ Church Tygerberg Rector: Andre Visagie; or,
  • CCT Member Responsible for Child Protection: Adrian Baillie-Stewart; or,
  • CCT Children’s Ministry overseeing Elder: Shane Anderson; or,
  • Provincial department of social development, a designated child protection organization or a police official.

Our Promise:

  • Christ Church Tygerberg (CCT) commits itself to immediately follow-up on reports of child abuse, or suspected child abuse.
  • Appropriate action will be taken, including contacting authorities.
  • CCT will not deny, minimise, or blame any individual involved in allegations.
  • CCT staff and leaders will minister to all involved and will co-operate with authorities.

Investing in Eternity – Planned Giving

CCT Handbook

Please go HERE in order to view the handbook in PDF format and/or download it.

Ministry Reports

Please go HERE in order to view the report in PDF format and/or download it.

CCT Library

Make use of, browse and enjoy our Library!

The library offers books and DVD’s to be borrowed free of charge – for a period of 4 weeks. The material will encourage you and help with the challenges you face in this world. The Library can be accessed after church services.

All Members and Regulars Welcome!!

Pastors Blog

From time to time, our Pastor André Visagie, pens his thoughts in a blog format and you are welcome to read and enjoy. Please see the link to his blog below.