About Us

Who We Are

Christ Church Tygerberg is a growing community of followers of Jesus Christ, firmly centred on the Bible, which is God’s full and final word to us.


We believe that Jesus is God’s full and final revelation to us and the Bible is centered on the coming of Jesus.  Jesus’ death and resurrection makes it possible for our sins to be forgiven and our relationship with God restored.   Learn more about becoming a Christian.


We believe the Bible to be the true, inspired Word of God. The Bible is entirely trustworthy and is our supreme authority in all matters of faith and conduct. Being a living and active word it speaks to us today as God the Holy Spirit brings about understanding of the Bible and repentance and faith in God’s people.


We hold to the doctrines at the heart of the Reformation – grace alone, faith alone, Christ alone, scripture alone and to the glory of God alone.


We trace our roots back to the Reformation in England. We hold to the 39 Articles of Religion as being a good summary of the truth of the Bible and in our services we uphold the principles of the 1662 Book of Common Prayer.

We are saddened by and distance ourselves from recent immoral developments in the broader Anglican community. While unconditionally welcoming all people to our services, we reaffirm our commitment to the historical and orthodox teaching of the Bible in regards to human sexuality and other moral issues.

Christ Church Tygerberg is a constituent church of REACH South Africa. Click here to view a short explainer-video about REACH-SA. Click here for to view a short explainer-video about REACH-SA.

Our Vision & Values

A Word on denominations

Denominations are certainly not the answer to the world’s ills, nor are they our last and only hope. But a denominational structure can be a valuable tool for the church in her mission. The vast majority of world missions, church planting, discipleship, and other forms of ministry are done through denominational partnerships. Our gifts, passions, and experience have great influence through a combined national and worldwide denominational network.

A healthy denomination ultimately gives us strength. It’s a home and not a prison. It allows us to share specific theological convictions, share resources and practice expressions of ministry relevant to our particular context.

What we believe

We believe in God, the Almighty Father, who made the universe and in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord. Together with the Holy Spirit, they form the one true God in three persons. Yet, the Father is God, the Son is God and the Spirit is God (Matthew 28:19).

We believe in the deity of Jesus Christ (John 1:1). He was true God and true Man. He lived a sinless life while on earth and so when he died, he did not die on account of his own sin, but on account of the sins of the whole world (Mark 10:45). He rose physically from the dead and now rules the universe as God’s chief executive officer. He gives new and full life to all those who trust in him.

We believe in the deity of the Holy Spirit. He too existed forever with the Father and was, like the Son, involved in creation. He was and is with Jesus. It was the Holy Spirit who raised Jesus from the dead. The Holy Spirit, in a way we cannot comprehend, indwells all those who put their trust in Christ, helping, empowering and enabling them to be more like Jesus. The Holy Spirit guarantees our place in heaven and keeps us from falling away from God. (Matthew 28:19, Ephesians 1:13-14).

We believe that the Bible is the inspired Word of God and is the standard by which we live. By ‘inspired’ we mean that the Bible says that which God intends it to say. God speaks to us today through his ancient, yet ever-living Word. (2 Timothy 3:16-17).

We believe that humankind rebelled and continue to rebel against God. Adam and Eve knowingly disobeyed God and chose to make their own decisions without reference to God. Death and sin are now part of the human condition as a direct consequence of that rebellion. We are no better than Adam and Eve and fall under the same judgement from God who, because of his infinite purity, cannot tolerate rebellion and sin. (Genesis 3, Romans 5:12-13).

When Jesus died he made atonement for our sins. That means that he died as our substitute, in our place, so that we do not have to bear God’s judgement and anger. (Isaiah 53:6; 2 Corinthians 5:21).

The moment we put our confident trust in Christ we are justified, that means God declares us ‘not guilty’ on account of what Christ has done for us. It is a once off, once for all, binding, legal-type transaction. You can never be unjustified. (2 Corinthians 5:21; Ephesians 1:4)

We are justified only by confident trust in Jesus Christ, not by any good things we may have done. Once justified the natural, authentic response is God-orientated living and good works. If there are no good works in a person’s life (i.e. no lifestyle change) they were probably not justified. (John 3:36; Ephesians 2:8-10).

Sanctification is the process of becoming more like Jesus. The Holy Spirit aids us in this lifelong endeavour. (1 Thessalonians 4:1-8).

God is in sovereign and complete control over the world and over each and every human life. He chooses to rescue some and not others, according to his own purposes (Ephesians 1:11-12). Yet, we are held responsible and accountable for our decisions and the Bible plainly teaches that, “everyone who calls upon the name of the Lord will be saved”. (Romans 10:13) Predestination and election are mysteries beyond human comprehension. We firmly believe in both divine sovereignty and human responsibility.

We believe that Jesus Christ is now exalted in heaven, where he “sits at God’s right hand” and has been given all authority, dominion and power. (Daniel 7, Matthew 28:18).

We believe that the Lord Jesus will return unexpectedly. When he does return every person that has lived and is living will be judged as to what they have done (Romans 2:6). Those that have had their sins forgiven through faith in the Lord Jesus will reign with Jesus forever in the new universe; and those that have not put their confident trust in Jesus will join Satan and his demons in hell (Revelation 21:1, Revelation 20:13-15).

Our position we hold to is called Covenant Baptism. We believe in infant baptism as the New Testament sign of children belonging to the believing community until they opt out. Therefore we baptize children of Christian parents. We also believe in believer’s baptism for believers who were not baptised as babies or would like to be baptised again as a matter of conscience. Believer’s baptism is an outward sign of an inward reality: It declares your death to self-sufficiency and your being made alive to God.

Our Team

André Visagie

021 559 8812
[email protected]

André is married to Lizanne and they have three children and a pet dachshund called Splash. He completed a B.Th. (Hons) at George Whitefield College and a M.Th. at Stellenbosch University. He enjoys reading, mountain-biking and scuba diving (in warm water!). It is his conviction that God speaks to us today through what was written in the Bible. André views the Bible as inspired, true, authoritative and extremely relevant.

Annette Erasmus

Church Administrator
021 559 8812
[email protected]

Annette grew up on a small dorpie, Riebeek-West and qualified as a Foundation phase teacher. After a few years of teaching she became our fulltime church administrator. She loves children and enjoys walks on the beach. Her desire is for people of all nations to get the opportunity to know their Creator as Lord and Saviour. She considers it an honour that God uses his children to fulfil His mission on earth.

Adrian Baillie-Stewart

Operations Manager
021 559 8812
[email protected]
Adrian is happily married to Lana and proud dad to four amazing kids: Megan, Emma, Krynauw and Claire (married to Brett) and granddad to Gabriel. On a part-time basis, he wears the Operations Manager hat at CCT. Additionally, when donning his other hat alongside his wife and business partner, as a communication and journalism specialist he aids businesses in identifying and crafting compelling content that enhances their visibility and impact across various platforms, whether it be within the confines of their workplace, or in the vast realm of the digital landscape.. His guiding verse? “Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is – his good, pleasing and perfect will.” — Romans 12:2 (NIV)

David Hawkins

Ministry Intern
021 559 8812
[email protected]
David is a born and raised Capetonian, being sure to remind all that he is from the most beautiful city in the world! Currently, he is completing the final year of his B.Th. studies at George Whitefield College in Muizenberg. He enjoys walks on the beach with his dog Dakota, relaxing with family and participating in arm-wrestling competitions. He aims to faithfully teach, preach and exhibit the gospel within all aspects of his life, and especially within the ministries he serves at church.

Tristan Robertson

021 559 8812

Tristan has just finished his high-school education. He loves riding his motorcycle, listening to music and spreading the word of God. Tristan is passionate about sharing CCT’s sermons with people—both online and in person. After each church service, he uploads the sermons to YouTube, Facebook, and Spotify. Tristan believes that the Word of God should reach all people around the world. After all, the Bible says so in the book of Matthew: “And the Good News about the kingdom will be preached throughout the whole world, so that all nations will hear it; and then the end will come.” — Matthew 24:14 (NLT)