Next Steps

At Christ Church Tygerberg, we want to see people come to know Jesus and grow in Jesus. We’d love for you to get more connected to our church and be encouraged in your life with Jesus.
For more info on what’s available, have a read below.
Attend our Sunday services
Our services are relaxed and informal, and include an age-appropriate children’s programme upstairs in the children’s centre. We are committed to expository preaching. Expository preaching is preaching in which the main point of the biblical passage being considered becomes the main point of the sermon being preached. In other words, we want to hear from the Bible, not impose our ideas on the Bible. We believe that God still speaks to us today through his ancient, yet ever-relevant, Word.

Newcomers pizza
Join us for a pizza after church one Sunday to meet the staff team and other relatively new people.
Rethink Jesus
In a relaxed space, the 8-week Rethink Jesus course is a great place to either investigate or refresh your knowledge about who Jesus is and why it matters. Everyone is welcome.

Rethink Life
The 7-week Rethink Life course is a practical guide to living as a Christian, covering how the journey starts and ways to enjoy it. Whether you’re a new Christian or simply seeking to follow Jesus more intentionally, this course is for you.
Belong! (Membership course)
Our Belong! course is for those who are Christians and have been attending our church for at least six months. We look more closely at our church’s vision and values, our doctrinal distinctives as a Reformed, Evangelical, Anglican church and we dig deeper into our 6 G’s of membership: Grace, Growth, Group, Gifts, Good Stewardship, and Gathering. The course typically happens over two Sunday afternoons.

Connect groups
The Christian life should be lived in community. We’d love you to join a connect group. The majority of our mid-week connect groups work through the same Bible passage preached at church on the previous Sunday. The groups think through the practical applications and implications of God’s Word. We connect with God as we study the Bible and pray. We also connect with each other to grow good friendships.
Sign up to serve
From the start of our church, we have held the view of every-member-ministry. We believe that God has given each one of us different abilities, talents and strengths to serve in His church for the good of His people. Whether you would like to serve as a sidesman, a children’s leader, at the sound desk, or help with maintenance or church care, there is a space for you.

Prepared to Serve Course
Would you like to take your discipleship and theological knowledge to the next level? We regard our PTS (one year) course as a unique opportunity to grow in character, competency and conviction – which will greatly assist participants in future years of life and ministry. Topics covered are The Bible’s Big Picture, Key Doctrines and How to Read the Bible Properly. We recommend that participants take a break from their existing small groups and make PTS their small group commitment for the year. After the year, we trust that participants will slot back into their regular small group or similar.