
Sunday Gatherings

Sunday Service details:

  • Sunday mornings 8:15 am and 10:00 am
  • Kidz Kingdom (3 years to gr. 7) meets on Sunday mornings during both morning church services.
  • We have a baby room available.
  • We also have a Movers & Shakers playgroup for 1-2 years old during both services.

Children’s Ministries

Kids Kingdom

Parents please do complete the Kids Kingdom 2024 Annual Registration Form

8.15am & 10am — Movers & Shakers (1-2 years)

8.15am & 10am — from 3 years old up to Grade 7

Tyger Club meets every Friday

Parents please do complete the TYGER CLUB 2024 Annual Registration Form

5.30 – 7 pm at the Church Premises

On Friday afternoons Grade R to Grade 7’s meet together for an exciting time of fun and learning at Kids Club.

We pray that many children will grow as followers of Jesus while having fun with their friends.

Rooted Youth

Rooted Youth is a community of teens that meet up on Friday evenings to hear from God’s word, the Bible, and to share life together.

Our mission is to be Rooted in God, Rooted in each other and Rooted in the community.

Parents please do complete the 2024 ROOTED YOUTH ANNUAL REGISTRATION FORM

Men play a vital role in the life and ministry of the church. At Christ Church Tygerberg, there are many meaningful opportunities for men to serve and contribute, including:

  • Sidesmen Ministry: Assisting as ushers and helping with car guarding during Sunday services.
  • Music Ministry: Using your musical talents to lead worship and glorify God.
  • Mercy Ministry: Providing practical and emotional support to those in need.
  • Children’s Ministry: Helping guide the next generation in their journey of faith.
  • Care Ministry: Offering support and encouragement to those in challenging circumstances.
  • Connect Groups: Joining weekly small group Bible studies for spiritual growth and fellowship.

In addition to these service opportunities, a dedicated men’s Bible study group meets every:

  • Friday morning from 5:30 to 7:00 am at the church.

This group focuses on exploring God’s Word and discussing topics relevant to men, with the aim of encouraging spiritual growth and discovering God’s purpose for our lives.

It’s also a fantastic chance to connect with other men from the church, sharing fellowship over coffee and toast.

Whether you’re new to the church or have been here for years, you’re warmly invited to join us and grow in your walk with Christ.

Please contact Craig via contact form:

Connect Groups

We invite all in our church to attend a small group Connect group. We have different small group meetings during the week to pray, study the Bible, and enjoy friendship together. Being part of a small group is a great way to grow as a Christian and feel part of the church family. There is always an extra chair even if you just want to visit to see what its like.


10:00 amLadies’ Connect group @ Church (Leader: Jenny Ritchie)


10:00 amConnect group for Moms @ Church (Leader: Nicky van der Merwe)
7:00 pmConnect group @ Plattekloof Glen (Leader: David van Niekerk)
7:00 pmConnect group @ Church (Leader: Ulrich Steynberg)
7:00 pmConnect group @ Sonstraal Heights (Leader: Zalin Hunt & Meril Mathew)
7:30 pmConnect group @ Kleinbosch (Leader: Philip Gerber)
TBCConnect group @ Welgelegen (Leaders: Stefan vd Merwe and Charl Coetzee)


10:00 amLadies’ Connect group @ Plattekloof (Leader: Tania van der Watt)
10:00 amConnect Group for Seniors @ Church (Leader: Ray Mustoe)
7:00 pmConnect group @ Burgundy (Leader: Brad Williams)
7:00 pmConnect group @ Edgemead (Leader: Vernon Hendrikse)
7:00 pmYoung Adults @ Panorama (Leader: David Hawkins)
7:30 pmConnect group @ Stellenberg (Leader: Gerhard van der Watt)


9:30 amLadies’ Connect group @ Church (Leader: Marion Edmonds-Smith)


5:30 amFriday morning. Men’s Fellowship @ Church (Leader: Craig Beer)


10:00 amConnect group @ Monte Vista (Leader: Stephanus Lombard)

Day & Time TBC

TBCLaunching 1 March: Connect group @ Table View (Leader: John van Niekerk)

Please ring the Church office for more details:

021 559 8812